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Zoetis Animal Health Inc. Foundation Party, Schinkelhalle, Potsdam
Werder an der Havel, Brandenburg, Germany
Jung woman is performing in a HIV edutainmant programme, Shashemane, Ethopia
14947 Ahrensdorf Alsai Agrarprodukte GmbH & KoKG Zoetis Tiergesundheit Joep Driessen Kuhexperte aus Holland erklaert Veterinaer StudentInnen im achten Semester der Freie Universitaet Berlin wissenswertes ueber Kuehe
Cotton made in Africa, Bags of cotton are stored in the harbour of Cotonou, Benin
Festival of Lights, Brandenburger Tor, Berlin, Germany
Spreewald, Burg, Brandenburg, Germany
Young couple in the subway, Toronto, Canada
Cow whisperer Joep Driessen, checks the quality of the fodder
Cow whisperer Joep Driessen, explains veterinary medicine students of FU Berlin everything about cows